First Occupant To Receive Keys At New Lincoln Housing Development

The keys will be handed over to the first resident from learning disability charity, Linkage Community Trust, to move in to new housing on the site of a former children’s home in Lincoln this week.

City-born Philip Williams is returning to Lincoln after living in Linkage accommodation elsewhere in Lincolnshire, following his graduation from Linkage College.

The land, on Skellingthorpe Road, has been revitalised with eight houses and 12 flats by Waterloo Housing Group in a £2.44 million development.

The old Sampson House building, which was most recently used for accommodation by Linkage, was demolished last year to make way for the new homes. It was named after the late Dave Sampson, one of the co-founders of Linkage, which marks its 40th anniversary next year.

To be completed in June 2015, the 20 new homes comprise 12 one-bed modern apartments for Linkage residents in the new Sampson House, plus six two-bed houses and two three-bed houses for shared ownership.

The Sampson Close development means Linkage residents can live more independently with support, and the houses have enabled local people to get a step on the housing ladder in a popular area of the city.

The development has received funding of £100,000 from the City of Lincoln Council, together with investment support of £584,000 from the government’s Homes and Communities Agency. It has been built by local construction company, Lindum.

Further media information: Tony Barker, Communications and PR Manager, Linkage Community Trust, 01522 503188, 075151 851834 or email

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